長文読解練習  <大学受験編 ー難易度: 中堅校レベル#1ー>


The Importance and Conservation of the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef, a natural wonder of the world, stretches over 2,300 kilometres along the northeastern coast of Australia. This vast ecosystem, composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands, is the planet’s largest coral reef system. Not only is it renowned for its breathtaking beauty, but it also plays a crucial role in the marine environment.

Coral reefs are often referred to as the “rainforests of the sea” due to their rich biodiversity. The Great Barrier Reef is home to a myriad of marine life, including over 1,500 species of fish, 411 types of hard coral, and dozens of species of whales, dolphins, and sea turtles. This diversity makes the reef a vital habitat for many species, some of which are endangered.

The reef’s significance extends beyond its ecological value. It is also a substantial economic asset to Australia, contributing billions of dollars annually through tourism and fishing. Tourists from around the globe flock to experience its beauty, whether by snorkeling, diving, or viewing from the air. The reef also supports local communities and provides jobs in tourism and research.

However, this precious ecosystem faces significant threats. Climate change, particularly the warming of ocean temperatures, leads to coral bleaching, where corals expel the algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn white and often die. Pollution, overfishing, and coastal development also pose risks to the reef’s health.

Efforts to protect and conserve the Great Barrier Reef are ongoing. The Australian government, in partnership with scientists and conservationists, is working on measures to reduce the impact of human activities. These include improving water quality, managing fisheries, and researching coral resilience.

The Great Barrier Reef is not just an Australian treasure but a global one. Its preservation is essential for maintaining the biodiversity of our oceans and the health of our planet. As individuals, we can contribute to its conservation by reducing our carbon footprint, supporting sustainable seafood choices, and advocating for policies that protect marine environments.

In conclusion, the Great Barrier Reef is a testament to the splendor and complexity of our natural world. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of safeguarding our environment for future generations.

日本語訳 答え合わせ

The Great Barrier Reef stretches / over 2,300 kilometres / along the northeastern coast of Australia.
グレートバリアリーフは / 2,300キロ以上にわたって広がっています / オーストラリアの北東海岸に沿って。
This vast ecosystem is composed / of over 2,900 individual reefs / and 900 islands.
この広大な生態系は / 2,900以上の個々のサンゴ礁で構成されています / そして900の島々。

It is / the planet’s largest coral reef system.
それは / 地球上で最大のサンゴ礁システムです。

It is renowned / for its breathtaking beauty.
それは有名です / その息をのむような美しさで。

It also plays / a crucial role / in the marine environment.
それはまた果たしています / 重要な役割を / 海洋環境において。


Coral reefs are often referred / to as the “rainforests of the sea” / due to their rich biodiversity.
サンゴ礁はよく呼ばれます / 「海の熱帯雨林」として / その豊かな生物多様性のために。

The Great Barrier Reef is / home to a myriad of marine life, / including over 1,500 species / of fish, / 411 types of hard coral, / and dozens of species / of whales, dolphins, and sea turtles.
グレートバリアリーフは / 多種多様な海洋生物の住処です, / 1,500以上の種の / 魚, / 411種類の硬いサンゴ, / そして数十種の / クジラ、イルカ、ウミガメを含む。

This diversity makes / the reef a vital habitat / for many species, / some of which are endangered. この多様性が / サンゴ礁を重要な生息地にしています / 多くの種のために, / その中には絶滅危惧種もいます。

It is / also a substantial economic asset / to Australia, / contributing billions of dollars / annually / through tourism and fishing.
それは / また重要な経済的資産でもあります / オーストラリアにとって, / 毎年何十億ドルも貢献しています / 観光と漁業を通じて。

Tourists / from around the globe / flock / to experience its beauty, whether by snorkelling, diving, or viewing from the air.
観光客は / 世界中から / 押し寄せます / その美しさを体験するために, シュノーケリング、ダイビング、または空からの観覧で。

The reef also supports / local communities / and provides jobs in tourism and research.
サンゴ礁はまた支えています / 地元のコミュニティを / そして観光や研究の仕事を提供しています


However, this precious ecosystem faces / significant threats.
しかし、この貴重な生態系は / 重大な脅威に直面しています。

Climate change, particularly the warming of ocean temperatures, / leads / to coral bleaching, / where corals expel / the algae living in their tissues, / causing them / to turn white / and often die.
気候変動、特に海洋温度の上昇は、 / 引き起こします / サンゴの白化現象を, / そこでサンゴは / その組織内に住む藻類を排出し, / それによって / 白くなり, / しばしば死んでしまいます。

Pollution, overfishing, and coastal development / also pose / risks to the reef’s health.
汚染、乱獲、そして沿岸開発も / 脅威を与えます / サンゴ礁の健康に。


Efforts / to protect and conserve / the Great Barrier Reef are ongoing.
グレートバリアリーフを保護し保存するための努力は / 継続中です。

The Australian government, in partnership with scientists and conservationists, / is working / on measures / to reduce / the impact / of human activities.
オーストラリア政府は、科学者や保護活動家と協力して、 / 取り組んでいます / 対策に / 減らすための / 人間活動の影響を。

These measures include / improving water quality, managing fisheries, and researching coral resilience.
これらの対策には / 水質改善、漁業管理、そしてサンゴの回復力の研究が含まれます。

The Great Barrier Reef is / not just / an Australian treasure / but a global one.
グレートバリアリーフは / 単なる / オーストラリアの宝物ではなく / 世界的な宝物です。

Its preservation is / essential / for maintaining / the biodiversity / of our oceans and the health / of our planet. その保存は / 不可欠です / 維持するために / 我々の海の生物多様性と / 地球の健康を。

As individuals, we can contribute / to its conservation / by reducing / our carbon footprint, supporting sustainable seafood choices, / and advocating for policies / that protect / marine environments.
個人として、私たちは貢献できます / その保護に / 減らすことによって / 私たちのカーボンフットプリントを、持続可能なシーフードの選択を支持し、 / そして政策を推進することで / 海洋環境を守る。

Efforts / to protect and conserve / the Great Barrier Reef are ongoing.

The Australian government, in partnership with scientists and conservationists, / is working / on measures / to reduce / the impact of human activities.
オーストラリア政府は、/ 科学者や環境保護活動家と協力している / 〜に取り組んでいます。/ 対策に / 減少させるための / 人間活動の影響

These measures include / improving water quality, managing fisheries, and researching coral resilience.
これらの対策には、〜が含まれています。/ 水質改善、漁業管理、およびサンゴの回復力の研究

